About The Cosmos

cropped-b-alexandra-logo.pngBack in 2010, I decided to take blogging seriously. I started with a single post, a rant if you will, and planned to regularly blog in an effort to better my writing and share my thoughts with the world. Through many hiatuses and writing campaigns, B.Alexandra’s Cosmos (formerly Msbribap’s Blog) is still here.

The purpose for this site hasn’t changed much. I’m still seeking to share my thoughts and musings with anyone willing to read it, yet I also want this site to serve as a place of relief and renewal for those who might seek it. Whether you’re a CisHet, Christian black feminist woman like myself or just someone curious about the life of a rising academic  from New Orleans, welcome to my Cosmos.

Cosmos is defined as the universe regarded as a complex and orderly system. Outerspace, and all that is contained within it, may seem like pure chaos but everything works exactly how it’s supposed to. My mind feels like the cosmos most times. Since this site is the textual expression of the madness in my head, why not name it what it is—My very own cosmos.